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Welcome to Society of Hospital Medicine

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Vision, Mission, & Goals

In May 2022, the SHM Board of Directors began work on a new strategic plan. The process spanned nine months and incorporated feedback from a variety of stakeholders including staff, the membership at large, and volunteer leaders of SHM Chapters, Committees, and Special Interest Groups. This initial framework, approved February 2023, will help SHM align our efforts specific to four key goal areas. The framework will evolve with regular input from the membership and adapt to the rapidly changing needs and realities of our practice and specialty.


To be the professional home of hospitalists dedicated to exceptional and equitable care for acutely ill patients.


As the home for hospitalists, SHM activates and engages our community to
  • Advocate for our specialty, our members, and the diverse patients we serve.
  • Promote high-value care and optimal outcomes for acutely ill patients.
  • Meet the evolving educational needs of a dynamic specialty.
  • Cultivate an inclusive community for hospitalists and support career growth and wellbeing.
  • Advance the research and innovation of healthcare delivery, quality, safety, and experience across the care continuum.

Strategic Goal Areas