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Medication Reconciliation for Hospitalists

Safer Medication Management for Better Transition of Care

SHM recognizes the importance of equipping hospital clinicians with evidence-based strategies to prescribe, document, and reconcile medications accurately and safely at times of care transitions.

Medication reconciliation, or med rec, is the process of compiling the most accurate list of medications a patient is taking to avoid dosing or other errors.

Take responsibility for med rec with your patients by:

  • Leading, coordinating or participating in med rec quality improvement efforts that incorporate best practices to improve patient outcomes.
  • Grasping key evidence-based interventions, such as obtaining the best possible medication history and effective discharge medication counseling.
  • Identifying patients who are at high risk for medication discrepancies due to the number and/or types of medications they are prescribed

View resources that SHM has curated to help improve your med rec practices.